Chords 1 Book (Free Pages)

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Once your students go through this book, they will never have a problem reading chords again. With the proper teaching method, learning chords is not only easy but also extremely fun! The Cascade Method Chords 1 Book teaches students every fundamental involving chords, ranging from C major and C minor; D major and D minor; all the way to B major and B minor! With a four-step framework for each given chord and additional bonus pages that are filled with fun, interactive practicing, your students will not only remember all their chords, but also enjoy studying them! The intention of the Chords 1 Book is to reinforce chord reading, teach students how to notice chords throughout any given piece, understand chord patterns, and much more! Teachers, get ready to learn fun piano teaching concepts that will surely be a hit in your studio! Learn more about The Cascade Method Teaching Program by visiting TheCascadeMethod.Com-TrainingCourse!

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