Watch the video to see what piano boom deck is about!”
Rhythm Potions
This super cute and simple rhythm deck can serve as a review for the most basic rhythms (notes, and rests) but can also be used as the “dice” for the Rhythm Potions game from Cascade Method!
There’s a cute board game where students and move forward the amount of spaces according to the dice rolled, or the rhythm card they pick up. If you’re doing online lessons, this may be hard to do, so you can pull up this game and use it as your deck of rhythm cards or your rhythm “dice!”
This deck holds 28 cards with the notes (quarter, half, dotted half, and whole) and rests (quarter, half, and whole).
You can find the board game on Cascade Method’s website, or just use this as a fun rhythm review!
I’ve also added audio instructions for the young ones who can’t read yet!
You can also preview this deck for free here!
Hope you enjoy =)
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