Juliet’s Duet

This duet is part of the Student Duets Book 1: Pop Song Method.

The book is also available on Amazon.

All Duets, including this one, can be heard on Spotify and Apple Music!


The Student Duets: Pop Song Method Book is the piano book that every beginner student needs to learn piano duets. Each duet throughout this piano workbook is inspired by piano students that are just like yours!

Author Tara Boykin- a piano teacher and the owner of The Cascade Method, guarantees that with the help of this book, your students will go from beginner to composer status.

How will this book be different from other piano duets books? We’re glad you asked!

What You Will Learn In This Book:

  • The Student Duets Book 1: Pop Song Method Edition is filled with beautiful duets that were inspired by the students of The Cascade Method Program. Your piano students are sure to love these duets because they were written by other beginner piano students, just like yours!
  • This Student Duet Book focuses on the teaching of scales. Once beginner students understand the scale of the piece, they will know how to play all piano duets with ease! Tara Boykin wanted to show that teaching such a boring and mundane thing like a scale can still lead to the creation of incredible music!
  • Once the scale is learned, students will know every single note used in the duet. Gaining confidence in reading scales will make playing piano songs that much easier.
  • The Teaching Method Used in the Student Duets Book: The Pop Song Method is an ear training method where students and teachers choose to hear the rhythm, rather than read notes. There are some duets that you may already know, but for the piano duets that you don’t, you can listen to the recordings on Spotify to gain the rhythm!
    • SPOTIFY RECORDINGS FOR EACH PIANO DUET: To find the rhythm through ear training, search for The Cascade Method Album: Student Duets Book 1 on your Spotify App or visit www.Spotify.com!

What is The Cascade Method? It’s a revolutionary way to teach kids how to play the piano in a fun way! By visiting TheCascadeMethod.Com, you can become a Certified Cascade Method Piano Teacher!

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