NoteMatch Book 1 (Free Pages)

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The Easiest Way to Learning How to Read Notes! NoteMatch Book 1 gives children the freedom to explore all the notes on the piano. This book pairs directly with the piano reading tool, NoteMatch, and the music note reading app, Note Rush! This fun and interactive workbook builds your student’s confidence while teaching them how to read notes properly and efficiently. NoteMatch Book 1 is designed to teach students all the notes ranging on NoteMatch, which equates to 21 notes total! Book 1 sets the foundation for reading notes through weekly repetition and practice, allowing students to get comfortable with the piano in its entirety. There’s no better trio for helping kids learn to read music! You won’t believe how quickly your students read notes with the help of this book, NoteMatch, and Note Rush. The workbook follows the same teaching framework throughout each group of notes being taught: A mini piece, a mini composer section, a flashcard section, and a Note Rush section! Below is the knowledge your students will acquire from this book: NoteMatch Terminology; Middle C; Middle B and D; Treble Clef Line Notes: EGBDF ; Treble Clef Space Notes: FACE; Bass Clef Line Notes: GBDFA ; Bass Clef Space Notes: ACEG ; Bonus pages in collaboration with Note Rush! It doesn’t stop there! In addition to learning all these notes, students will also learn how to play fun classics like Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, the Happy Birthday song, and many more, including original Cascade Method pieces! Are you Ready to Level Up Your Note Reading Skills?! Let’s get started!

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