Student Duets Book 1: Traditional Sheet Music (PDF)

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This book is also available on Amazon.

All Duets can be heard on Spotify and Apple Music!

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Duets inspired by The Cascade Method Students. Students that happen to be just like… yours! The Student Duets Book 1 is exactly like the Student Duets Book 1 Pop Song Method, but published under a different format with Traditional Sheet Music. For those of you who are not familiar with Tara’s Pop Song Method, you will most likely prefer this version of the duet book. Keep in mind that the duets range from no sharps and flats, to at least three sharps and flats. This should help you decide who would best benefit from this book in regards to their piano level! Recordings of each duet can be heard on Youtube, Spotify, or Apple Music!


Become a Cascade Method Certified Teacher! You can learn more about the program here.

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