It’s September!! Which means the fall drinks are back at Starbucks, pumpkins have started making their way into all the stores, spook-tacular decorations are going up, and the kiddos have headed back to school! While it doesn’t quite feel like fall where I live, I am definitely in a fall state of mind. While I try to do the majority of my planning during the summer, I am always looking for ways to *pumpkin* spice up my lessons (I had to do it
) and there are SO many activities for the fall semester to add into lessons or at-home practice – including Halloween piano games!
If it’s piano related – it is probably safe to say I am going to love it and I love me some Halloween piano games!!

Top 10 Halloween Piano Games and Piano Boom Cards
No tricks today – only treats! Today I am sharing with you some of my favorite Halloween piano games and BOO-m cards that you can use the entire month of October (or earlier if you want.
) Seasonal themed games are always some of my student’s favorites and they love getting to see our Cascade friends dressed up for each season!
If you need some background information on how Boom Cards work, you can check out this Boom Card FAQ blog! Boom decks are great for in person AND online lessons and can be used on tablets, computers, and phones.
I had one last vampire pun to share with you, but it sucks.
But your piano lessons won’t!! Okay, I’m done.
Let’s dive into these Halloween piano games shall we?
Hey Siri, can you play ‘Creepy Crawly Spiders’ for some background music
This fun pumpkin themed deck of 36 cards is a great way to teach beginner students bass C to treble C notes! Students will quickly learn to identify notes by putting the puzzle pieces together to complete the pumpkin!
This fun pumpkin themed deck of 42 cards is a great way to teach students staff notes from bass G to High F. Students will drag the puzzle pieces together to complete the pumpkin puzzle by identifying the correct note!
- Regular rhythm flashcards
- Sorting game
- Matching game
- Memory
- War
- Multiple Rhythm bars
- Composition opportunity
*This is a game I’ve made for in-person lessons!*
There’s a rhythm dice included, that you can cut up, and tape/glue together. However, I would personally buy a dollar store dice that has whiteboard circles on it, where you could manually draw out the rhythm you want to reinforce. Up to you
I also added a rhythm wheel or some little cards you can print double sided. It truly depends on the amount of time you have to laminate and cut! But at least you have options! If you don’t have any time, you can always download this Rhythm Potions Boom Card and use this as the “dice!”
This board can also serve to reinforce other concepts other than rhythm. If you have young beginners learning their finger numbers, you can use these “Piano Hand Cards” and move forward on the board according to the finger number the kids pull.
However, if you’re looking for LOW-PREP!?!?! Check out the Boom Deck below, that you can use with it, and never have to cut out any little cards!
This boom deck can be used for in-person and online lessons!
This super cute and simple rhythm deck can serve as a review for the most basic rhythms (notes, and rests) but can also be used as the “dice” for the Rhythm Potions game (see above) from Cascade Method!
There’s a cute board game where students move forward the amount of spaces according to the dice rolled, or the rhythm card they pick up. If you’re doing online lessons, this may be hard to do, so you can pull up this game and use it as your deck of rhythm cards or your rhythm “dice!”
This deck holds 28 cards with the notes (quarter, half, dotted half, and whole) and rests (quarter, half, and whole).
This 42 pack of Boom cards help students recognize and reinforce the names of the piano keys, and are perfect for the month of October!
There are the simple sets of 2 black keys and 3 black keys, but there’s also a combination of both sets of black keys together, in both orders. Meaning, there’s a “big keyboard” with the sets of 2 and 3 black keys, and the opposite, where there’s the set of 3 black keys followed by the 2 black keys. It’s important that students get comfortable seeing all the variations!
Practice these notes, Halloween style! Students will practice recognizing music notes on the staff. Notes range from the F in the bass clef (4th line), to G in the treble clef (second line). Students will select the correct pumpkin for the corresponding note.
These 32 halloween-themed task cards review notes on the grand staff from Bass C (2nd space in the bass clef) to Treble C (3rd space in the treble clef). Students will choose the correct pumpkin according to the note shown on the staff.
These 44 halloween-themed cards review notes of the entire grand staff, from Bass G (1st line in the bass clef) to High Treble F (5th line in the treble clef). Students will need to identify the name of the note they see on screen!