The flowers are blooming, the days are longer, and the weather is finally warm. You know what that means…spring has officially SPRUNG!
While this time of year is wonderful for sooo many reasons, it is also the time of year when spring fever is officially kicking in for our kiddos. It’s like a “spring switch” turned on and all of a sudden my students are distracted and unfocused when it comes time for piano lessons. And let’s be real – we teachers don’t always have the mental capacity or TIME to be planning new ways to keep them engaged!
No worries, I got us covered! It’s not a secret that I looooove creating piano games and Boom Cards…especially for the seasons.
And I have plenty of no-prep games for you and your students to enjoy this springtime!!
If you’re asking yourself, “What are Boom Cards?”
…then prepare to be amazed 🪄💥🤩
But actually though Boom Cards are one of my absolute FAVORITE tools for teaching!! They truly make learning fun and engaging for students of all ages. Plus, they require NO prep, so you can easily add them into your lessons for a last minute activity! You can check out this blog post that dives into the ins and outs of incorporating Boom Cards into your piano lessons!
Orrrr hop on over and browse through my spring-themed games for some added fun to your piano lessons!
Spring-Themed Games

This game is great for reinforcing scales! The cards that come with this game have “butterfly chords” on the keyboard, so I would encourage kids to play them on the piano to be able to identify if they’re major or minor chords. The deck of cards also come with text that say “move back one space,” or “move back five spaces.”
There are stars on the board, that go from small to big, so if a student lands on a spot with a little star, they’ll go up to the next spot with the big star. If you don’t play with the cards the student will always move forward.
However you can also play this game without the deck of cards and play with dice. Whatever spot the student lands on, have them name the chord and play it on the piano.
The goal of this game is to sort the eggs and put them in the correct basket!!! There are 54 little eggs with rhythms belonging either to 3/4 or 4/4 time signatures.
I personally laminate and cut everything up and even add a slit in the basket so kids could physically “put the eggs in!”
This would be a great game to do in person but if you’re strictly online, kids can use these eggs to practice their rhythms by clapping them out. They can also tell you which ones belong to which basket and you set those eggs down on the corresponding basket once they figure it out.
This cute butterfly themed deck of 62 cards will help students become more confident in identifying chords. Students will be see a little piano with 3 butterflies on 3 piano keys and will need to identify the name and type of chord it is.
If they have a piano available in front of them, they can replicate the chord they see, and use their ears to determine if the chord is major or minor. Otherwise, there’s a little audio button that they can press and listen to, to determine if that chord is major or minor.
This deck covers the following chords: C major, D major, E major, F major, G major, A major, B major, C minor, D minor, E minor, F minor, G minor, A minor, and B minor.
This deck is the same as the other Butterfly Chords deck but has extra slides with cards that say “go back one space,” “go back 2 spaces…” because this deck goes with a physical board game created by Cascade Method. I wanted to make sure I could play the board game with my online students as well!
This set of 56 cards is an amazing way to introduce and review Major Scales with your students. It will familiarize your students with C, D, E, F, G, A, and B scales.
This deck works by dragging the Easter eggs onto the correct piano keys in the scale listed on the card heading. Written and audio instructions are included on each card and direct students to tap the correct answer.
Slides are randomized so that each time they play, students will never know which slide is coming next.
This set of 100 cards is a fantastic way to reinforce natural minor scales to your students. It will help any student who’s learning natural minor scales for the first time or needing a review.
Students will drag the Easter Eggs onto the correct piano keys in the scale. The slides are randomized so that each time they play, students will never know which slide is coming next.
This deck of 27 cards will help your piano students learn how to identify easy major key signatures by dragging accidentals onto the correct line or space to create the right key signature!
This deck of 34 cards will help your piano students to better identify hard major key signatures by dragging accidentals to their correct place!
FUN TIP: Boom Learning allows you to preview each Boom Card deck before purchasing.
This deck has 32 cards that will help your students better identify hard minor key signatures by recreating a key signature by dragging accidentals to their correct place.
This 42 pack of Boom Cards help students recognize and reinforce the names of the white piano keys. There are the simple sets of 2 black keys and 3 black keys, but there’s also a combination of both sets of black keys together, in both orders. Meaning, there’s a “big keyboard” with the sets of 2 then 3 black keys, and the opposite, where there’s the set of 3 black keys followed by the 2 black keys. It’s important students get comfortable seeing all the variations!
I hope you love, and your students, love these spring-themed games as much as I do! If you use any of these games or Boom Cards with your kiddos, please tag me on Instagram!! 😍