The Piano Teacher Blog!

Something that not everyone knows about me is that I am all about growth. Business growth, personal growth, and

It’s true — if you’re not excited about your piano lessons, then there’s a good chance your students aren’t

Today, I wanted to share the story and progress of this amazing Cascade Method student named Jonah. It is hard

THE DAY HAS FINALLY COME! You are now browsing our brand new, redesigned website for Cascade Method! For the

I haven’t shared a personal update on the blog since I announced I was pregnant to begin with! So,

Learning the fundamentals of playing an instrument might be looked at by some as somewhat of a lost art.

If you’re familiar with Cascade Method, then you know that we are all about making piano lessons FUN! If

Getting new students enrolled and started with piano lessons doesn’t have to be a tricky process! I thought it

To be completely transparent with you, I want you to register for the piano teacher training program but it’s

The Cascade Method Book Collection is continuing to grow! Find all the details on each book right here, so you can stock up now for the best school year yet!

Chords are the easiest and most fun note pairings to find! Three notes stacked so beautifully, chords tend to

Are you interested in using Cascade Method with your piano students but you’re not quite sure which Cascade Method books
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